Genre: Thriller
Overall value for money and time: 7.5/10
The movie is based on a true story, about a serial killer who writes letters to the newspaper companies requesting them to post his cryptic messages. This movie has received great reviews on it commenting on the accuracy of the content. I was once intrigued by the "Zodiac" killer , due to a cryptic encyclopedia book which first introduced me to him. I was inspired to purchase the book due to the movie "The Da Vinci Code". This movie deals not only with the tracking down of a killer, but also about the obsession of the people who wants him behind bars. Apart from killing the innocent, the "Zodiac" apparently also wants publicity and attention. Ironically, because of his cryptic messages, that was what he got. Throughout the movie, the clues which lead to revealing the true killer comes on and off. For my 2-cents worth of thought, it almost feels like the same scenerio for the movie "Scream." Since I do not wish to spoil the ending of "Scream", I shall not elaborate, for those who did watch it, you'll know what I mean. This movie is good for knowledge, but not one that will win the oscars anytime. Do catch it if you're intrigued by the elusive "Zodiac", if not, you can give this movie a miss.
Genre: Thriller
Overall value for money and time: 6.2/10
The main difference in the title of this movie is that it is called "The Zodiac" while the previous is simply titled "Zodiac". Also, since I'm not one who's too familiar with the zodiac's works, this movie seemed alright to me. Lots of critiques have bombarded this movie for not following the facts and also the slowness of it. It's not as exciting as "Zodiac" but I do feel that it has something good about it. I thought it had a more organised built up of the plot and contrary to what you believe, you won't go snoozing on this movie. It is indeed inferior to "Zodiac" but doesn't fall too far back from it. At least there's Robin Tunney from "Prison Break" in it to add a little beauty in this film. The plot is identical to "Zodiac" so I won't be including it down.
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