Wednesday, December 19, 2007

28 Days, Weeks Later Duology

Overall rating: 7.2/10
Genre: Horror
Overall value for money and time: 6.9/10

1. 28 Days Later

This is a zombie movie about survivors trying to stay alive 28 days later. This is not your typical zombie movie, at least initially it appeared to be so. The zombies are pro-class in this movie, the virus spreads almost instantly - one bite and you become a zombie in a blink of an eye. The zombies give chase by running frantically and they make all kinds of eerie sounds. However, this movie progressed towards a different perspective. The survivors start turning on themselves and only after this movie, you realise that humans are even scarier than the walking dead. Great movie reflecting the vulnerability and possibilites once the limits of humanity are broken.

2. 28 Weeks Later

While the prequel may boosts the rating for the duology, this sequel pulls it down. This movie showed how the impulsiveness of humans could bring about grave consequences. Throughout the movie, I was cursing and swearing, maybe I exaggerated a little, but you can't help but wonder how in the world could humans be so dumb. 28 weeks later, the last trace of the virus was supposedly gone. At least there was a quarentined city which ensured that no trace of virus was present. However, a young girl and his little brother wanted to remember their deceased mother with something by. Hence, they sneaked out of the quarentined area and back to their past house where they brought a trace of the virus back. You just can't help but wonder how absurd it is for the guards who saw them to take such a long time to track them down. I don't know about you, but there are many parts of the story that just doesnt make any sense. You may think that I risk spoiling the story with such indepth details about the movie, which I don't normally give, but in this case, keeping mum about such absurdities stand a higher chance of spoiling your mood should you decide to catch this movie. It wasn't an issue before, but in this movie I started to wonder about how impractical it was for the virus to spread so quickly as it takes time for a virus to spread throughout the blood stream and wreak havoc on the immune system... I kept thinking of absurdities in the movie and the more I thought, the more right I was, and the more right I was, the worst my impression of the movie was. While the first movie is worth watching, I would recommend that you stay away from this sequel. It may feel incomplete but it's almost the same case as for the "Butterfly Effect Duology". The sequel makes a bad name for the prequel. Give this movie a miss, to save the the prequel from shame!

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