Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Almighty Duology

Overall rating: 7.5/10
Genre: Comedy
Overall value for money and time: 8.1/10

1. Bruce Almighty

Initially to me, this movie was the usual comedy starring one of my idols, Jim Carrey. He has the gift of tranforming any mediocre movies into fairly outstanding ones. It's about a newsreporter who blames God for every wrongs in his life. One day, God decides to transfer his powers to him temporarily to show him how hard it is to run the world. This could easily be a good weekend movie to cheer you up or a movie to have your free time well spent on. Note the word "Initially" at the start of the critique. After catching it a second time on TV, I decided to just go onto imdb.com and check out the movie's critiques. Lo and behold, though I knew it had real enlightening messages in the film, there was a part that I, as an atheist, would never have appreciated if not for imdb.com. As quoted by a critique from schimimic: "There he meets God (Freeman), who is the Boss, Electrician, and Janitor of the building. I found this highly amusing. God is the Boss, the Holy Spirit is the Electrician, and Jesus Christ is the Janitor. Think about it. Boss, obvious. Electrician, the guy who keeps everything running. Janitor, the guy who cleans up the mess that the world has left. BRILLIANT." Perhaps there are other interpretations of it, but I'm sure that was a hidden message the director wanted to put across and thought of but simply didn't explain it during the movie. Do catch this movie if you have the chance, it's a great enlightenment movie spiced with lotsa humour. The moral of the movie is "With great power comes great responsibilities."

2. Evan Almighty

I stayed away from this movie for a long while until it came out on DVDs. I have heard negative feedbacks on it and thought that it would disappoint me since the first movie was such a great one. As compared to the humour to "Bruce Almighty", it is a notch down. But I thought it had a better plot, a better message, as compared to it's first movie. Evan is another newsreporter featured in the first movie but he's just been elected as the congressman for his state. He prays to God about changing the world and God gives him that chance, commanding him to build an ark. He tells Evan that to change the world, he first has to build it up from an act of kindness. There is a hidden message and is revealed at the end of the movie. From congressman to a "lunatic", he fights all odds to stay with his family and to fulfil his mission. I love the scene where God gives advice to Evan's wife in the cafeteria. That's some really good words there. Do watch it. If you're someone looking for just crude humour and hates to think, give this movie a miss and go catch "Borat". If not, this movie will surely make your day like it did for me.

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