Overall rating: 6.5/10
Genre: Comedy
Overall value for money and time: 5.5/10
I tried a different approach to critique producer Judd Apatow movies as I thought his movies all have something in common. "Talladega Nights" and "40 Year Old Virgin" are in my opinion similar class movies with senseless comedy while "Superbad" and "Knocked Up" are similar class movies with crude humour. All and all, I for one, am not a big fan of his works. Still, I wouldn't assume this to be true for all viewers since one man's meat is another man's poison. I have friends who commented about how nice a movie they are, esp. "40 Year Old Virgin", so if there is one movie which you might consider watching, this would be it.

1. 40 Year Old Virgin
I watched this movie some years back so I'm not one who's too familiar with the details. All I can remember of it is as the movie title implies, there is man who's been left on the shelves for 40 years and is starting to give up hope of finding a girlfriend when things start getting better for him. It's a forgettable movie, for I am unable to regurgitate any funny scenes which created a deep impression. Still, I recall it being only an average movie for me - slightly above average humour, average plot, average casting, nothing fantastic. Also I'm not a fan of Steve Carell, should there be a movie you would want to watch with him in it, "Evan Almighty" is a better option.

2. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Do I like Will Ferrell? Nope. Do I like racing cars? Nope. Do I like senseless humour? Nope. Well, it's real hard for me to like this movie. First of all, Will Ferell is under one of my "dislike actors" category, with Mike Myers and a few others in it. Another movie starring him in it is the remake of "Bewitched". Despite having Nichole Kidman in it, that movie was a total flop. One of the worst movies I've watched. Let's get back to this one though. There is however, an "up" side to this movie... Sacha Baron Cohen. Wonder who this fellow is? One might be more familiar with him being "Borat" and "Ali G" who also was the voice of Julien the monkey king in "Madagascar". Apart from the cast, the humour was good in this movie. I was senselessly laughing away during half of the movie. The movie is about a young man who is an exceptionally good racer. He has never lost a race before and because of that, his ego gets the better of him. However, his winning streak turned into a losing one when he lost in a particular race which he was greatly embarassed in. He must start to get his act together should he ever want to win in a race again. If you're looking for a movie that makes sense, this is not one. It's a good movie to drown your sorrows in and might just brighten up your day.

3. Knocked Up
The lead actor is simply repulsive. The lead actress, on the other hand, is the one who "beautifies" this movie. This movie is about a one night stand leaving the girl pregnant, who comes knocking on the door of the guy a few weeks later to inform him of the "good" news. They try to make ends meet and work towards a common goal - their newborn child. I'm not fond of the movie, for it has crude humour in it, by crude meaning "dirty" in a conservative Asian sense. Still, it might appeal to some viewers, though the humour may not be that funny, there is some plot in this movie.

4. Superbad
Another movie with crude humour. 3 underage young lads are obsessed with buying booze (beer) for a party which they are convinced would buy them a ticket to get laid. However, things didn't go as planned... and the movie moves in a direction which is highly impossible to happen in real life. Watch it for it being just a movie, not a life you can relate to. Too much thinking makes you hate this movie. There are great critiques about this movie, but overall, it was a disappointment to me. I guess I do not share the same taste buds as Americans, which is also true for the case of "American Pie".