Initially meant for me to create a library of movies I’ve watched, now this website is meant to save time for viewers because not all movies are "worth" watching. The ratings are kept as objective as I can. They are based on cinematography, casting, soundtrack, storyline and film class. There is a slight bias towards twists in storylines, and generally I'm not fond of horror genres and slapstick comedies. So if you're ready, let's make your day at the movies worth it!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Yes Man

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tropic Thunder

Monday, December 1, 2008

I've grown out of horror movies, but this is undisputably one of the best horror movies I have ever seen. The movie is about a tv reporter and her cameraman following a fire fighting team on one of their night rounds. However, what they were about to bargain for will leave you grasping for air. This movie is shot in first person view, similar to "Blaire Witch Project" and "Cloverfield". While "Blaire Witch Project" lacked the high resolution of video taking, and "Cloverfield" lacked a full ending, "Rec." is the cream of the crop of such movies. "Quarantine" is a remake of this spanish zombie-horror film. Looking at the trailers, the scenes in "Quarantine" are a total replica of "Rec." Therefore, though I have not caught "Quarantine", I would strongly suggest you give it a miss and catch the original at its very best. The cinematography and the angles of all the shots are excellently thought of. The director truly knows how to keep the audience at the edge of their seats, without relying on cliche horror sound effects. Apart from the irrational hastened rate of metamorphosis at the second half of the movie, everything adds up in the end and its not one of those movies that leaves you hanging. Though slightly exaggerated, the characters in the movie are convincing. Be warned though, this movie is not for the fainthearted. There will not be a moment for you to calm down once the camera starts recording...
Body of Lies vs Traitor

In the recent years, there's an enormous increase in terrorist movies, or even movies of similar genres. Movies like "Rendition" and "Die Hard with a Vengence" are one of those top movies. The recent movie by the critically acclaimed director Ridley Scott's "Body of Lies" was a great disappointment for me. It lacked the build up and the plot. What it had was korny humor and subtle suggestive idealogy. In other words, the plot isn't that straightforward, much of it has to be inferred. There are pros and cons for this approach, but it wasn't enough to boost this movie up into the ranks of the tops. Although Ridley Scott is a reputable director and actors like Russell Crowe and Leonardo Dicaprio are veteran actors, this movie still felt like it lacked something crucial to its success. *Caution, spoilers ahead*. I would normally keep the plot of movies disclosed as I'm not fond of spoiling the fun for others, but I will make an exception this time because I find it only appropriate to state my reasons for thrashing this movie. "Body of Lies"has a slight hint of "The Hunting Party" in it, another flop movie that does not deserve to be screened in the threatres, about suggesting how incapable the US government is. The two movies are poking fun at the inefficiency and the reliance on technology that even the terrorist (or crime lords in "The Hunting Party") ultilizing simple methodologies are able to outsmart the most powerful country in the world. It was a direct "parody" for the latter, but Ridley Scott did it in a more subtle manner. Also, the ending suggest that Leonardo Dicaprio was recruited by the Jordianian Intelligence team but was not put across bluntly. There was a scene of the Jordianian Intel. leader standing behind a water fountain with the water directly sprouting from his *ahem* (an example of lame humor). The confrontation and the J.I.L with Leonardo at the end was many notches down with the confortation of Russell Crowe with Denzel Washington in "American Gangster". There wasn't a scene in the movie which made this movie outstanding or stand up above the rest. Even the ending torture scene where Leonardo's fingers were hammered, there was no rationale of him disclosing the idenity of the terrorist spy (how would that save him?). Unlike "Body of Lies", there is a movie that has finally excelled above the movies of such genre.... "Traitor".

(Synopsis of the mentioned movies can be found at www.imdb.com)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Dark Knight

With the current craze of superhero movies in the recent months, I didn't expect too much out of this movie. Great superhero movies like "The Incredible Hulk" and "Iron Man" have certainly set the benchmark for movies of similar genre. Despite great reviews about "The Dark Knight", I was skeptical. For movie buffs like myself, I've experienced too many high expectation movies which disappointed. The trailers weren't exceptionally alluring, but the fact that Heath Ledger died after this movie added an additional "appeal" to it. The prequel "Batman Begins" had many fans singing praises of it, but for those who's not a fan of batman will only see it as a good movie. I, for one, was not a fan of Batman movies. Was, is the word, because the difference between the current sequel is that it makes fans out of its viewers.
Here's a quick sypnosis of the movie. With the growing crime activities in Gotham city, an alliance is formed between the new district attourney, Harvey Dent, Batman, and Lieutenant James Gordon to take down the crime syndicate. They did succeed, initially, until the crime lords decided to employ a new villian "The Joker" to take out Batman. Things get messy as Batman is forced to reveal his identity to the world while The Joker brings out the dark side of humanity. This isn't a one villian movie, taking on a similar plot as "Spiderman 3", the villian two face will appear towards the end of the movie. And yes, it fortunately stops at 2 unlike "Spiderman 3" with its 3 villians - Sandman, Venom and himself.
Generally, Marvel movies are better made than DC (detective comics) movies. Marvel movies include Iron Man, Hulk, Spiderman, X-men, Fantastic Four etc, while DC movies include Superman, Batman, and er... that's all I can think of. But this movie is one that tops all. If you thought like I did the Spiderman series was as good as it gets, this is unbeatable. In "The Dark Knight", there's many subplots, and touches on many pyschological aspects pertaining to humanity. In a way, it's more down to earth and a movie which we can relate more closely than the rest of the superhero movies.
Never once in my life have I watched a movie in the threatres 3 times, and I just broke my record. The preivous record was twice, and the movie being "Titanic". "Titanic" was well worth it, with the 2nd viewing being an appreciation of the majesticity of the ship as well as the then new faces of Leonardo Dicarpio and Kate Winslet with their award winning performances. "The Dark Knight" is slightly different in that sense. The first viewing left me in a complete mess, I was confused with some takes in the movie and was too lost with words when the credit rolled that I thought it to be only a good movie. However, upon 2nd viewing, all my doubts were cleared and managed to see "hidden" stuff one would certainly miss out in the 1st. There were many slight subtleties in the movie which are easily overlooked. Let me name a few here (warning: spoilers up ahead).
1. I didn't notice Edison Chen's appearance in the movie initially. Those who caught a glimpse of him swore he only appeared for 2 seconds. However, it came to approximately 6 seconds.
2. When Harvey Dent and Rachel (Batman's ex-girlfriend) boarded the escort home, the look on the police officers' faces gave them away.
3. The first five minutes in the movie made the identity of the Joker pretty obvious when the camera zoomed up from the back of one of the robbers holding a mask in his hand. I did notice it at the start, but kinda lost track of it when they were robbing the bank, and when Joker unmasked himself, I was surprised to see him being in the crime scene.
4. When Harvey Dent revealed to Gotham city as being the outlaw vigilante (Batman), Joker chased him in a van down the underpass with a bazooka in his hand. However, he didnt blow up the truck Harvey Dent was in, instead, he shot at the police vehicles escorting the truck. However, when the batmobile showed up, he started firing at the truck. I was puzzled at first but came to realised that it was becos' Joker didnt want Batman dead, he just wanted to push him to his limit and have him commit a "crime".
5. In the hospital when Joker confronted two face, he passed a loaded gun to two face while two face was bed-ridden, and pointed the gun towards himself. It was a very risky move and when two face flipped the coin, the scene was cut. In other words, I believe regardless of the outcome, two face would have let the Joker off.
6. When the hospital was blown up, Joker sneaked up into a bus and it drove off. The final scene with the hostages being dressed up as clowns were the same hostages that the bus drove off in. Cos initially I was wondering where in the world did the Joker get all his hostages from?
There are many others such subtleties in the movie which can only be fully appreciated upon the 2nd viewing, hence I would recommend that you do not stop at the first. The 3rd viewing was pretty much like "Titanic", I watched it for the casts' performances and the well orchestrated development of the story plot. Heath Ledger's acting deserves more than a thunderous applause, it deserves a standing ovation. A true gem, a true classic, and for those of you who havent caught this movie, you're missing out on the ocar movie of the decade! It will be a long wait before another movie of such calibur matches up to this... Thank you Christopher Nolan (director), for delivering such an epic movie! Simply breath-taking, thought-provoking, beautifully orchestrated and highly memorable!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Genre: Drama
Overall value for money and time: 6.9/10

Genre: Slasher
Overall value for money and time: 7.2/10
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Genre: Comedy
Overall value for money and time: 7.0/10
Genre: Spoofs
Overall value for money and time: 3.0/10
The concept of a spoof movie was novel and enticing... but it should have stopped with the first. Scary movie was the first spoof movie made, though brainless, it was pretty entertaining. However, more and more movies of such genre have been made and it's just torturous watching them now. Though the upcoming "Disaster Movie" is yet to be screened.. you already know what to expect. I gave "Meet the Spartans" a go at the theatres and not only was I disappointed, I was flustered! A total waste of time as well as my money! Still, I must give the director props for finding the character lookalikes. I have caught every spoof movie ironically, though only one at the cinema, hoping it would be better the next. I am now overwhelmed with disappointment as the quality of the humour and entertainment decreases with each spoof movie made. Be warned, stay away from them to avoid unnecessary consumption of your time and intelligence...

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Battle of the Hulks

Rating: 8.1/10
Genre: Action
Overall value for money and time: 7.9/10

Rating: 7.8/10
Genre: Action
Overall value for money and time: 7.6/10
No Country For Old Men

Genre: Thriller
Overall value for money and time: 9.3/10
There Will Be Blood

Genre: Drama
Overall value for money and time: 8.0/10

Genre: Comedy
Overall value for money and time: 5.6/10
Friday, August 8, 2008
Ryan Reynolds

Genre: Comedy
Overall value for money and time: 5.5/10
2. The Nines

Rating: 7.2/10
Genre: Suspense
Overall value for money and time: 7.2/10
The trailer for this movie was extremely enticing, so I thought, why not give it a try? Ryan Reynold is a guy living in 3 different worlds and he must patch things up (so must you) and understand why is that happening to him. Though it was rather confusing all the way till about three thirds of the movie, the ending brought forth a new concept that one might not be able to accept easily. I don't recall anything scary for the movie, so it falls under the "Suspense" category as opposed to being a "Thriller". Ryan Reynold takes on more serious roles in this movie and its a great movie to showcase his acting skills. However, I was not immensely impressed by the movie.
3. Chaos TheoryRating: 7.8/10
Genre: Comedy Romance
Overall value for money and time: 7.6/10
Just like the 1st 2 movies mentioned, this movie didn't receive much publicity, though the difference is that this movie deserved it. Highly touching and hilarious. The story is about a guy who's obsessed with perfect time management and soon realises that no matter how well you plan your life, it doesnt turn out the way you want it to be. Hence, he introduces what is called the "Chaos Theory" into his life, writing down things he never done before on cue cards and picking them randomly. It started off light heartedly, progressed into a more serious and teary situation and finally ended with an "enlightenment" take home message. Brilliant casting, as well as a good build up of plot development. This is a movie not to be missed.
4. Definitely, MaybeRating: 8.8/10
Genre: Comedy Romance
Overall value for money and time: 8.8/10
From the producers of "Notting Hill" and "Love Actually", how bad or unpredictable could this movie be? I was only half right. It was good, as expected, exceptional actually, but not predictable. A loving father tries to explain to his daughter about his pending divorce. Being taught about conception and sex education in class, she thinks she was a mistake, and questions her father about his love life before marriage. Her father tells a story of him and his 3 loves in his lives, changing the names of them and letting his daughter guess who the mother is. If you don't already know, the father is none other than Ryan Reynolds and the daughter is the young girl from "Little Miss Sunshine", one of the rising Hollywood kid stars. This movie has what I call the fairy tale element in it, together with pleasant suspense and cheeky lines on his daughter's role to add to the humour. It's quite a "fullsale" movie, and I just love this movie. One of the most romantic thought provoking movies I've ever seen, leaving you utterly shaken by the sincerity and truth of such a scenario. A must see! If you thought "Love Actually" or "Notting Hill" was good, it gets better!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of the Fleet Street

Genre: Musical
Overall value for money and time: 7.4/10
Across the Universe

Genre: Musical
Overall value for money and time: 6.2/10

Genre: Romance
Overall value for money and time: 7.0/10
Spiderwick Chronicles

Genre: Fantasy
Overall value for money and time: 7.5/10
Thursday, May 15, 2008
10,000 BC
30 Days of Night
Away From Her
Speed Racer
Street Kings

Genre: Crime
Overall value for money and time: 8.0/10
This movie doesnt entirely have the impact "Training Day" gave me when I finished watching it. But I wouldn't give this one a miss if I were you. It has an intense build up and quite the unexpected ending. A cop who does things the "left" way finds himself being implicated and set up. The only way he knows is to bring justice into his own hands. Great acting by Keanu Reeves and Forest Whitaker. There's also stars like Chris Evans and Amaury Nolasco (Sucre in Prison Break) which I thought was pretty refreshing to see them. I find it difficult to comment much about this movie, for it's a straightforward and rather forgettable movie.
Iron Man
Forbidden Kingdom
Hottie and the Nottie
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Eagle vs Shark

Genre: Comedy
Overall value for money and time: 7.2/10
Don't let the title of this movie turn you off. It's actually much better than expected. This movie revolves around a group of very weird people and the main focus is on the couple you can see in the poster. It's pretty hilarious at times but the oddity of the entire setting makes me a little uncomfortable. The lady falls head over heels with the guy and soon love blossoms for the both of them. It's not your typical or average chick flick movie. This movie shows just how blind love is as well as vengence. The guy is obsessed with taking revenge on his high school bully that he fails to see the "beauty" around him. While it's not my cup of tea, it does hold more meaning than senseless comedy movies like "Dude, Where's My Car". The ending really made it for me in this one.

Genre: Suspense
The Kingdom
Overall value for money and time: 7.5/10
Gridiron Gang
Overall value for money and time: 6.7/10
Death Sentence
Overall value for money and time: 8.0/10
The Brave One
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Alien Vs. Predator Duology
Genre: Action Thriller
After recapping the first movie, it doesn't make sense once again at the start of this sequel. Spoilers would be included in this critique so do catch the first one before reading on. At the beginning of the movie, the aliens infested one of the predator casualty shown in the first movie. However, logically speaking, the predator king should be on board the ship and where did all the other predators go at the start of this sequel? I saw like 10 predators at the ending for part 1 but only about 3 were on board the ship in part 2. Also, unlike 3 predators who came down to earth to hunt in the first movie, there's only 1 "hero" in this one. Since the alien queen was already "used up" in the 1st, the elite enemy in this movie is the predator turned alien hybrid. Overall, the lighting for this movie was bad. It was dark almost throughout the movie and it felt like they were running low on budget for the aliens. You can't really see a clear, entire alien figure, unlike in part 1. The casts are all unknown actors and actresses and once again, this feels like a 2nd class movie. However, for fans of AVP like I am, I'm still rather satisfied with it for giving me the opportunity to see both the aliens and predators, predator in this case, battle it out once more. After the infestation, the predator's spaceship crashes on earth and the aliens run loose. One elite predator knows about it and comes to earth to "save" the day, or night in this case. Be forewarned, my rating is a little overrated as I'm an avid fan of the video game. Unless you think "Starship Troopers 2" is an avergae movie instead of being a total flop, I'll advice you to go this duology a miss.
M. Night Shyamalan Productions
Genre: Suspense
Overall value for money and time: 7.1/10
Genre: Suspense
Genre: Suspense
Genre: Suspense