Rating: 8.1/10
Genre: Action
Overall value for money and time: 7.9/10
Another movie about The Incredible Hulk, this movie is slightly better in terms of CG and plot. This Hulk has a darker green complexion to Ang Lee's "Hulk" but when it comes to reviewing about this movie, everyone compares it to Ang Lee's movie. I'm not sure why that's so, since they are completely 2 different movies. But I guess that's the norm when it comes to Hollywood movies, there's always comparison between relevant titles. Thus, I will try to review it as individually and unbiasely as I can. Overall, the plot of it is good but I didn't like the villian - the Abomination. Luckily, the movie wasn't entirely about the villian. Intially, it was about Edward Norton (from "The Illusionist") trying to cure himself from being the Hulk. However, with a power like the Hulk's, everyone's trying to take that power and use it as their own, hence, the evolution of the Abomination (a supposed more controlled version of the Hulk). That's the part which I don't understand, it's no surprise Hulk won the villian at the end but why was Hulk able to control his power so easily? The movie almost felt like "King Kong" part 2 but it sure was an entertaining one. Smooth story development as well as great casting. Apart from the "Hulk Smash" at the end of the movie which made it slightly chessy, it's an experience not to be missed.

Rating: 7.8/10
Genre: Action
Overall value for money and time: 7.6/10
With the very first movie about the Hulk, I jumped at the opportunity to catch such a long awaited classic marvel superhero in the big screens. I must say, I wasn't disappointed unlike most of those who watched it. It had everything about the Hulk as I know him to be - bullet proof skin, massive strength yet fumbles at the love of his life, and a very angry and uncontrollable superhero. Was Eric Bana's breakthrough movie and as always, loved Jennifer Conelly! Though her acting isn't that applaudable, seeing her in any movie really spices up my day. The villian perished in an almost abrupt scenario in the end, but for those who doesnt know, the power of the Hulk comes from the anger which rages inside of him. The angrier he gets, the bigger he grows. However, this can only be seen in Ang Lee's version of the movie and not in "The Incredible Hulk", a major part overlooked. And the reason why the villian "exploded" was because the power of the Hulk is too intense for the villian to overcome, that's why we must sympathize how difficult it is for the Hulk himself to control his anger. Also, the Hulk's face is molded based on Ang Lee's face, a trivia worth knowing about. Though not a fantastic film, it's good enough for me to want to watch it a second time.
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