Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

Ratings: 7.7/10
Film Class: B+
Genre: Fantasy Action

I kinda thought this movie would be yet another chick-flick fantasy movie, with eye-candies who can't act dominating the film and making you hate yourself for having to sit through a wasted 2 hours of your life. So why did I end up watching it? Curiosity. 

I was actually rather impressed by how it turned out despite a couple of illogical scenarios *major spoilers ahead*, like the discrepancy in the power meter of Clary's mother at the start even though she's one of the pioneers of the demon hunters. And before I continue, perhaps it's best to give a short sypnosis right now. 

Clary (Lily Collins) is a demon hunter who is kept in the dark about her identity until now (when the movie starts). She starts seeing demons that normal humans can't, as well as demon hunters out for blood. That's when she meets a demon hunter Jace, and they gradually form a friendship which not surprisingly eventually turning into romance, all this while while searching for her kidnapped mother. 

She starts to uncover truths about her own identity and the twist in the storyline at the very end was extremely disturbing. "Thanks" to the great choice of one particular actor, it hinted how the story would unravel. *hint, the name goes by Hodge, yet another pioneer of the demon hunters* At one point, it even got freakishly scary, it was like exorcist meets werewolves. Oh, and there's also vampires, werewolves, warlocks etc. Quite the exotic supernatural world if you ask me. 

I liked the concept, but I didn't like the twist. Too disturbing for my liking. 

But there's 2 things I remember most, Lily Collin's great acting, and this super handsome-looking Asian guy who is somewhat like a medic warlock. Hmm... actually the latter makes me sound gay, but I guess it isn't really that taboo in the context of this novel-adapted movie, opps, and if you think that's bad, wait till you find out the truth about love. Double opps, major major spoilers... behind? 

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