Film Class: B
Genre: Horror
After much curiosity, I've decided to check out this critically acclaimed horror film which made its debut in 2009. Often confused with The Orphanage, I simply categorised both movies to be identical. While most people may term this under the Thriller genre, I find it too disturbing to group it as such. This is no Hannibal Lector or Scream style, more of the Exorcist type even though the storyline is based on a thriller concept. Perhaps the director was confused between what genre he really wanted to deliver. It isn't a demerit in any sense though, just that it left me with a feeling of cognitive dissonance.
A family decided to adopt an older child so that their presently adopted kids can have an elder sister. Haunted by the loss of their first child, they resorted to adoption to ease the pain. The entire movie is about the Mother moving on, and the breaking up of a "happily" adopted family.
I liked how the script included a mute daughter which created an additional element of suspense. Also, all the cast delivered a higher than average performance, and though the storyline wasn't that smooth, the script was decent and the suspense build up was murderous. It's no ghost story, but it's a horror film alright. Good stuff, but not my kinda stuff.
A little interesting trivia I read from imdb, that the poster looks disturbing because of the symmetrical portrait of Ester (the disturbed orphan). It's actually 2 mirror images superimposed to create that unpleasant feel. The ending was quite interesting, I would call it a slight twist which did more good than harm to the storyline. Overall, a pretty good horror film.
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