Monday, April 4, 2011

Eden Lake

Ratings: 8.0/10
Film Class: B-
Genre: Suspense Thriller

Eden Lake is possibly one of the most provocative and disturbing films I've seen. This doesn't really categorize as a slasher movie, but has elements of it. The gore wasn't extreme, and was kept to one particularly squeamish scene. There are many films of such genre, but not one whereby a group of kids are the ones doing the terrorizing. Kudos for this intense and mind-stretching film which defies convention and brings juvenile crimes to a level no movie has ever been before.

A couple's peaceful weekend retreat at Eden Lake is disrupted by a group of teenage kids. An unfortunate incident flared things up and pushes the limits of the juveniles. Though the ending wasn't entirely original, it was highly apt for such a movie. Its not an ending that may be well received by the general public, but its refreshing to witness harsh realities come to life on the big screens every once in a while.

Highly recommended, but prepare yourself for an intensely hardcore film that perpetually spikes that adrenaline level or yours. The story development and progression were unpredictable and I was gasping for air countless times throughout the movie. And the best part of it, it's not an exaggeration! Eden Lake really pulls you in and creates a comparable sense of fear and helplessness that the protagonists were experiencing. All of these could be due to cinematography, acting and scripting. But regardless of which it was, one or all, this movie is certain to be one of the most memorable suspense thriller because it outstandingly brings out the ugliness of human nature and ironically the beauty of nature all in a single package.

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