Genre: Comedy
Overall value for money and time: 6.3/10
Highly entertaining and fantasy like. The only complain I have about the movie is the scene where Darth Vader and Oscar made their appearance - made it feel like a spoof movie. Apart from that, there was a good cast with convincing "comedic" acting and a wide range of different personalities which enhanced the flow of the movie.
There was sufficient character and plot development and the humour could send more than just a few tickles down your belly. Much better than the first installment. Jonah Hill (security guard) was hilarious in the movie and I thought the director should have given him a longer screen time.
Former security guard (Ben stiller) goes all out to prevent the displays at Washington Museum from coming to life. Tragedy struck when the evil Pharoah in charge planned on reviving the warriors from the underworld to aid in his domination over mankind.
It's twice more fun and "grand" in the sense that more displays come to life, adding flavor and entertainment value to the movie. The classics, such as Robbie Williams and T-rex still have a fair share of screen time. It's a battle of the "old" displays vs. the "new" displays. Recommended for a good chill out movie where you won't have to bring your brains along with you.
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