Genre: Horror
Overall value for money and time: 7.2/10
It sure is one hell of a movie. I haven't seen many movies quite like this before, where horror could be fused so perfectly with comedy. If you're looking for a good time watching a horror movie, this has got to be it. But be warned, if you're looking for a movie to scare yourself s***less (best way I can describe it), this movie will leave you cursing. It's quite an acquired taste, I didn't feel this good after leaving the cinema, but thinking back, I have to give props to the director for being able to pull something off like this. 3 thumbs up for Sam Raimi!!
A loan officer, Christine Brown, made a decision to evict an old woman out of her apartment only to later discover it was the greatest mistake of her life. Cursed and hunted down by the soul taker Lamia, Christine must save herself from being dragged to hell in 3 days. The casting wasn't perfect, and the greatest success of this movie must go to the wretched old woman.
There were many scenes of unsuspecting horror, but after jumping up in our seats, the audience would usually start laughing soon after. It was more like a roller coaster ride than a haunted house expedition. The director had a fair take on building up suspense, but most of the scares were abrupt and whizzed past just as fast. Due to the way the movie was directed, the graphic images in this movie will not haunt you sleepless nights.
On top of all that, there were great graphics which made it less scary in a way, since most top horror movies are usually those with mediocre cinematography. Highly recommended for all!! But don't you come cursing me if it didn't work out for you...
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