Genre: Action
Overall value for money and time: 9.5/10
Initially meant for me to create a library of movies I’ve watched, now this website is meant to save time for viewers because not all movies are "worth" watching. The ratings are kept as objective as I can. They are based on cinematography, casting, soundtrack, storyline and film class. There is a slight bias towards twists in storylines, and generally I'm not fond of horror genres and slapstick comedies. So if you're ready, let's make your day at the movies worth it!!
The survival of Onigen's right-hand man was highly laughable. When Saya pierced his eye, her master, Kato who was holding on so tightly to him for a good 5 minutes or so decided to release him once his eye was pierced so that he could run away and fight Saya another day.
There are many other ridiculous scenes in the movie and should you decide to catch it, you can challenge yourself to finding them and contributing to the comments. If this review hasn't saved you from wasting two hours of your time, I hope I'm wrong when you do actually catch it.
Despite being one of my most highly anticipated movies of the year, this film disappointed me. I know I shouldn't make comparisons to The Da Vinci Code since they are separate stories altogether, but in a way, the former built a false expectation of the latter movie. While The Da Vinci Code was filled with suspense, thrills and intriguing twists, Angels and Demons wasn't that thought provoking. It makes a decent suspense thriller, but the ingenuity of it was far from Da Vinci Code - could either be due to the director (who couldn't be entirely blamed for due to film ethics complications) or the plot wasn't that fantastic in the first place (unable to comment upon since I didn't read the book).
After the death of the Pope, the 4 likely predecessors (preferratti) are kidnapped by a supposed arch rival of the Vatican, the Illuminati - a secret society devoted to proving science. Robert Langdon, renowned symbologist, aids the Vatican in tracking the mastermind to prevent a pending annihilation of Vatican city.
I particularly liked the ending again, same for The Da Vinci Code, but the story development and progression was a little too rushed, allowing many loopholes to surface. Still, it's a recommended movie but don't set your hopes too high like I did, in that way, you won't fall too hard.