Ratings: 7.4/10
Film Class: B
Genre: Comedy
This made my day, or night. 2 outstanding salesmen settle for an internship at Google after their company shuts down. Good at what they do, but not tech savvy, they must compete with a bunch of smart asses to land them a job. Dislike factor; Owen Wilson: 8/10, Vince Vaughn 7/10. However, putting both of them together, they make an awesome duo. They were pretty good in Wedding Crashers, but somehow their chemistry has evolved to new heights in this movie.
Entertaining, heart-warming and hiliariously crude at times. These 2 guys have no holds barred, yet they still managed to allow the plot to be the main focus. Usually with folks like them (eg. Hangover), all the focus are on the cast, not the story.
Had a short tour in Google Headquarters thanks to the movie and while I'm not sure how true the culture is over there, I sure was impressed with the famously cultivating working environment of Google. I had the thinking that all Google staff are supposed to think out of the box, but in actuality, the so-called "tests" that the interns had to go through was more on building teamwork, being resourceful and expressing humble determination - credible skills and mindset needed of their staff... not some overly fanciful out of the box solutions to everyday realistic problems.
The internship offers more than the simplicity of its poster, it illustrates the limitations of modern day technology, valuable skills needed that is often overlooked in this new millennium and that the "overgrown underdogs" have more to offer in life in this techno-savy present than the modern day geniuses - life lessons that only the "outdated" past can teach.