Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

Ratings: 7.4/10
Film Class: B+
Genre: Action Fantasy Thriller

It was an enjoyable remake of the classic Hansel and Gretel fairytale story, it seems the trend of Hollywood is making darker fairytales these days... Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast (Beastly), Snow White (Snow White and The Huntsmen), well the list goes on, and will continue to do so I believe. I wouldn't be surprised if 3 Little Pigs and The Singing Bone comes on screen in time to come. 

However, in this version of Hansel & Gretel, the focus weren't on the bread crumbs, but more on Hansel & Gretel, and the sisterhood of witches. Though the CG for the witches were scary, this isn't a horror movie but an action-packed movie with horrific creatures, somewhat like Van Helsing. Ok now, I'm stating the obvious, but there is a certain twist to the story which makes it rather interesting to watch, not some no-brainer witch-blowing movie. 

After burning the witch who held them captive when young, the brother sister duo Hansel & Gretel grew up to become witch hunters. Their newest case unknowingly leads them to uncover a brewing plot to forever change the fate of witches. 

*spoilers ahead* The trailer was rather misleading, I had thought most parts of the movie was for Hansel to save his kidnapped sister. But it was just a tiny-weeny part, Hansel & Gretel were separated very early, but each had their "cool" moments. In fact, Gretel was more kickass than Hansel, and nothing beats watching a badass beauty in kickass action. 

Predictable plot, and even though the twist was predictable, it makes a great light-hearted film to catch.

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