Film Class: C+
Genre: Drama
The Beaver lost me in the middle of the movie, don't get me wrong, everything made sense, just that the story development was rather stale. With a cast like Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster, I would think that the movie wouldn't have failed that terribly, but it seemed their performances weren't enough to spice up the perpetually slow and melodramatic pace.
You would think "hiding" behind a Beaver puppet would have created humor and interesting bits to the movie, but it just felt too "weird" and awkward for me. *major spoilers ahead* Even the climax, where Mel Gibson was finally able to detach himself from his puppet, the scene wasn't enough to get me at the edge of my seat. His son, whom have hated him all these while, acted rather badly. The final speech he gave, had great potential for wrenching a tear or two, but it turned out to be rather disappointing as well.
The movie did feel like it was a waste of time for me, but I'm not condemning it. I believe there's a few "soul searching" moments in it, but none too liberating. If you can stand seeing some schizo behavior about a suicidal man, about him hiding behind a beaver to find a new life, but turns out to do worse than better, than this movie should find its way into your library of viewed movies. If not, don't bother giving this beaver a chance.
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