Sunday, February 6, 2011


Ratings: 7.7/10
Film Class: B
Genre: Animation

The rivalry between superhero Metro Man and supervillian Megamind reaches an abrupt end when Megamind finally defeats Metro Man... only to find his life meaningless during his conquest of Metro city. Therefore, he must use his ultra intelligent brain to create new meaning in his life.

The movie turned out better than expected... because I've already obstinately decided that no animation featuring the supervillian as the protagonist could match Despicable Me. Well, this movie didn't, but it did deliver many genuine laughs with its witty scripts and it definitely made my day. The storyline isn't that unpredictable, but the jokes were of a different genre compared to your typical animations. I would term this movie more of an "adult" animation cos of the matured-like witty humor (no, not those kinda uncensored xxx jokes but more of those which adults would appreciate more... somewhat similar to Spongebob SquarePants movie).

This animation has earned its spot into my top ten list of animations of all time. Do yourself a favor and catch it if you missed it intentionally like I did because despite its similarities, no two movies are identical.

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