Friday, January 7, 2011

Saw 3D (VII)

Ratings: 6.2/10
Film Class: C
Genre: Slasher Thriller

Saw 7, the final chapter to the long-standing "lord of the gore" franchise. Sadly, it's a disappointing closure for such a highly awaited series. Of course, it would be unreasonable for one to expect all 7 chapters of it to be fantastic, but the least the creators could do was to give it a memorable ending, which they failed to deliver. For the die-hard fans of the Saw franchise, be prepared to be disappointed.

For "plot" fans (like me), the storyline was extremely weak in this particularly movie, and there was practically no twist in the movie (it's too predictable). As for "gore" fans, well... you're in for another "life-changing" experience. The gore's still on par, if not better than the previous few episodes. The director prolly focused more on the gory part of it so expect lotsa blood splatters and flying organs.

Caught this movie in 2D, not sure if the 3D would be better in terms of effects but from what I had to sit through... it was more than enough for me. Got me squirmish at several scenes, which had me thinking if I'd grown more timid or was the gore level brought up by a couple of notches. Either way, another Saw marathon prolly wouldn't work for me this time. Don't see how watching the previous few episodes will make the final chapter any better.

You see, for those of you not familiar with the Saw franchise, there's always a twist at the end of each installment. And frankly, the twists have always been awe-striking. The gore adds that element of "elevated adrenaline" which may or may not enhance the movie experience, but the storyline never failed to sweep me off my feet... not until now. This time around, the ending felt too forced... which gave me the impression that the directors ended it off too hastily and without much thought. Didn't bring justice to its prequels...

Most of the sequels (Saw 2-6) managed to piece up the different bits and "loopholes" along the way, but this final chapter whilst did piece up 1 minor loophole, it just conveniently, and seemingly patched everything up. Weak cast this time round as well, and the only person I was cheering on was Hoffman (Jigsaw's successor). For the rest of the cast, I didn't even empathize them because 90% of them were all new characters. Just realised Jigsaw's wife can't really act... And for the main "subject" in this movie... utterly no closure. *spoilers ahead* So... what happened to him after that?

Not a bad movie, but considering someone who has avidly followed the Saw franchise from the very start, this is the weakest installment yet. Reminiscence of the game played in Saw 3... very similar actually, so it kinda lacks that originality ironically. I'm disappointed it had to end in this manner, but I guess better sooner than later. Jigsaw, I'm gonna miss you... and for all you folks out there, this time, it's really... Gamer Over.

1 comment:

Jan Shaw said...

"Like" the Saw Facebook page to get all the latest updates on Saw: The Final Chapter & its DVD/Blu-Ray release!