Wednesday, January 5, 2011

17 Again

Rating: 7.3/10
Film Class: B
Genre: Comedy Drama

Mike O'Donnell (Zac Efron) was the basketball star of his high school but gave his future career all up just to marry his gf. That was when he was 17. Many years later into their marriage, they're on the brink of divorce and Mike wishes he could change his earlier years so that things won't turn out as bad as the current state he's in. He got his wish, wasn't teleported back but was transformed into his 17-year old self where he is given the opportunity to "pursue" what was truly missing in his life.

Zac Efron delivered an outstanding performance in this movie, and he proved to be more than just a pretty face, he indeed has the potential to become a great actor in future. Initially, I had thought this to be a chick flick kinda movie. I mean who wouldn't thought so of the way the film is publicized? Even the poster looks a little "high school musical-ish". But it proved to be more than that. There were humor, story, eye candies, and though it was fairly awkward to see 17 year old Mike O'Donnel flirting with his wife, as long as we're in the psyche of the plot, everything was bearable. Matthew Perry (from Friends) wasn't given much screen time, but I guess the movie wasn't so much about him, it was 80% dedicated to the fans of Zac Efron.

17 again is a light-hearted teenage flick which was able to put more than a smile on my face, it prepared me for one hard possibility of marriage and instead of thinking of the "what ifs", we should be thinking of the "what is to be."

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