Genre: War, Action Drama
Overall value for time and money: 6.5/10
Heard from my friend that she was extremely nauseas after catching this movie in the theatres, cos of the shaky camera work during the action scenes. Well, I would kinda second that, but it would seem that most war movies are made to deliver that effect, raw, shaky and nauseating. Thankfully I could stomach it because it wasn't that bad after a while.
The leader of a WMD (weapons of mass destruction) squad decides to take matters into his own hands when he realised that the intel the higher ups had gotten was unreliable. Things took a turn when it seemed that there was a conspiracy going on. Unlike in the Bourne trilogy, Matt Damon wasn't indestructible in this movie. He was a rationale soldier who got his ass kicked several times for wanting to uncover the truth.
Had to rub it in because when the trailers came on, I thought Matt Damon was perfect for the role, and that he would be the super cool protagonist ressembling that of Jason Bourne in the Bourne trilogy. But it was a pleasant disappointment because the movie was more realistic in that sense and even the plot didn't seem too far fetched.
Was more of an awareness movie than an action war film which really did make me think about what really went on behind the scenes in the attack of Iraq during the Presidency of George Bush. This movie would take up 2hours of your time so unless you're a huge fan of Matt Damon or an avid fan of war movies, you wouldn't lose out too much just browsing the sypnosis of this film or checking the full story out on wikipedia.
haha guess what? I watched this during the flight back from HK on cathay. =)
haha, then you got the 2 hours to spare! ;p quite good movie though, had me thinking of conspiracy theories =x
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