Friday, June 11, 2010

The Princess and the Frog

Rating: 7.4/10
Genre: Animation
Overall value for time and money: 7.0/10

For centuries... ok, I might be exaggerating here, but for the longest time, fairy tales were *pardon my bluntness*... never included african-americans in them. This movie dared to challenge convention but not only having a couple of them, but made the 2 leads african-americans as well. I believe there's more to it when reviews talk about "returning to the 2D era", I believe they loved it because of the racial issues it brought up.

But, I will critique this movie objectively. Overall, it wasn't a fantastic film. Good nonetheless, for the heart-felt and cheery feel it gives to its audience but not quite... superior. A mediocre plot with a slight twist about how a kiss from the princess does the reverse is about all the twist you can expect to get from this animation.

A fairy tale about a poor and hardworking girl working in New Orleans and trying to make ends meet when she comes across a talking frog. The talking frog turned out to be a prince and a supposed kiss from her would change him back to a prince... but alas, as the title and the trailer already disclosed, you get not 1, but 2 froggies in this film. Cute characters, such as the musically inclined aligator and the delusional firefly do indeed make the viewing more pleasurable.

All in all, just a pretty good fairy tale story about a princess... and a frog... and an aligator... and a firefly...

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