Friday, June 11, 2010


Rating: 6.5/10
Genre: Action Horror
Overall value for time and money: 6.0/10

A twisted scenario whereby God gave up his love on humans and send his trusted angels to wipe them out. However, the angel Michael defied his orders and carried on protecting them. The main plot sounded interesting, but its full potential wasn't brought up. Loopholes greeted me along the way, some minor, and a handful of major ones which "cheapened" the movie.

*spoilers ahead* They didn't quite explain why the baby was so important? Giving birth to new life? Is there only 1 pregnant woman in the entire world? And the "tattoos" which appeared on the whimpy 2nd lead's arms towards the end of the movie. So... was he... did he... transform into an angel? Also, it didn't quite explain the last scene, the revival of Michael. Everything was just too... well-placed and convenient, without explanations.

The best parts of this movie, only a few movies deserve such an "honor" is the trailer. All the good scenes were already featured in the trailer... probably only 1... the "Chucky" like possessed child. I can understand that this movie might come under negative critiques for its portrayal of angels and God, but the last few lines did bring some justice to it. There were a couple of substantial and impressive scripting but apart from that, everything was close to... rubbish. The character development was exceptionally bad, leaving me little or no feeling towards them.

There were a good handful of scary scenes which did make me cringe a little but apart from the scariest buildup of the possessed old woman we've all already seen in the trailers, everything else came second. Not a bad film, a dark one, literally, where most of the scenes are shot at night, but I wouldn't exactly say it deserves more than just being an average movie.

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