Monday, December 28, 2009

Nobody To Watch Over Me

Rating: 7.7/10
Genre: Drama
Overall value for money and time: 7.5/10

A movie I had highly anticipated ever since I missed it on the big screens. I've heard about it back then, thought the storyline was so-so and soon realised I could have overlooked a hidden gem of Japanese films. My luck took for a change when I finally found the dvd off the shelves from one of my local movie stores. This is one movie I didn't even hesitate to fork out $17 on it.

Truthfully, that amount spent didn't quite make me feel that it was worth every penny of my dollar... but, ironically, I wouldn't have it any other way - I was burning inside to catch this movie... It didn't quite meet up to my expectations about how heartfelt it would be because the situation portrayed was a little too far-fetched and overboard. It felt fairly unrealistic and one would almost lose hope in humanity after catching it. Are all humans so blinded by anger and "self-righteousness" that they lose themselves?

I highly doubt so, I believe there are a good handful of good people out there. However, due to the outrage of emotions by the public, it somehow brings us "closer" to feeling for the protagonist of the movie.

I have mixed feelings about it, can't really say I love it, and of course, I don't hate it. But it does indeed open our eyes to see, feel and understand the other side of the coin, which usually ends facing the ground, away from sight, away from perceptions.

Enter the lives of the family members of a suspected murderer of two twin sisters. A veteran cop is unwillingly assigned to look after them and to prevent any intrusion of the media or assault from the public. He gradually realises that it's not just the victim's family who are the "true victims"...

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