Genre: Fantasy
Overall value for money and time: 7.2/10
Overall value for money and time: 7.2/10
The movie strings together a handful of seemingly separate story lines: Harry Potter and Professor Dumbledore learns more about Voldemort's dark past; Harry Potter finds an old wizardry spell book that once belonged to the "Half Blood Prince"; Hermione and Ron finds their true love, so does Harry; and a new Professor Horace is in town.
Thankfully, I'm not a fan of Harry Potter. Therefore, this movie made a pretty decent stand-alone film. Though the story lines didn't link up well at the end, at least it was refreshing to witness how much Harry Potter has changed over the years. Caught the first 2 installments of it, the Sorceress's Stone and Chambers of secrets, and what was once bright and lively, is now gloomy and haunting.
Furthermore, with the advancements of CG, the characters in the movie felt more "plastic" like compared with the 1st 2 installments. The focus was no longer on Harry and friends, but more on Harry himself. I liked how they dropped hints throughout the movie to followup to the final installment: The Deathly Hollows.
Probably the most irking complain I have about the movie is the "fantastic" acting on the part of Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister. Her acting was so bad there were times throughout the movie I just wanted to strangle her - she's more fit to act in a horror flick. But all in all, it's a decent movie, with decent storylines, and decent acting. Just.... decent, nothing more, nothing less.
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