Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Beautiful Creatures

Ratings: 5.8/10
Film Class: B
Genre: Fantasy Teen Film

Beautiful creatures has "teen film" plastered all over its plot, similar to Twilight, it's adapted from a novel and touches on teenage fantasies like the "dark" unknown and the all too familiar forbidden romance. 

Lena is the new girl in town who supposedly has some dark family background secrets. She has appeared in the dreams of male protagonist Ethan, who managed to win her heart with his preserverence, only to find out that she comes from a family line of sorcery. 

However, the true nature of her powers (either good or evil) will only be disclosed on her soon-to-come 16th birthday. Unknowing to her, her fate is already predetermined by a family curse and she has to find a way to break it before it's too late. 

I can understand why there's no hype about Beautiful Creatures... because it lacked the most important element of a teenage flick. It's not plot, nor sex, nor witty lines... It lacked eye-candies, regardless of whether they can act or not. My wife and I were grumbling about how a better looking male lead should be cast instead. If only the director had put in a little more effort in his audition, it might the have gotten a higher viewership... as Twilight did, thanks to Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.

Well, the saving grace of the film was Ridley, acted by Emmy Rossum, cousin of Lena who fell to the dark side on her 16th birthday because of the curse. She's so gorgeous she could have any man do as her bidding, and I'm sure it's not just in the context of the movie. 

The plot was decent, leading to an unexpected outcome, but the acting of the 2 leads weren't convincing enough, resulting in a lack of onscreen chemistry. The buildup was hastily done, before any chemistry was conveyed, both of them were already awkwarding kissing each other. 

Wasn't expecting much, yet it still failed my expectations. You'll probably wanna give this a miss...

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