Monday, February 11, 2013

The Impossible

Ratings: 7.6/10
Film Class: B-
Genre: Drama

Follow the tragic account of an American family during the tagic 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami which hit Sumatra (Indonesia) and the surrounding coastal land masses. It's based on a true story of a Spanish family, instead of an American family as depicted in this film and it's about what they went through when they were hit by it while having their vacation in Thailand. 

*spoilers ahead* I thought the title wasn't so much made in reference to the possiblity of their survival but more on the reunion process. I didn't brace myself for what was to come... and ended up squirming and feeling emotionally wrecked by the magnitude of it's devastation. 

Haven't seen Naomi Watts this battered before and it was certainly heartwrenching to experience what she had to go through. Her 3 sons equally played realistic roles and Ewan McGregor has once again showed how versatile an actor he is. His best performance has still got to be as the romantic poet from Moulin Rouge though. 

The Impossible is nowhere near a feel-good movie glorifying the perservering human spirit nor the acts of kindness during difficult times. It's about digging deep down inside to find hope in a seemingly hopeless situation, and having the courage to embrace whatever life throws at you.

Expect an uneasy watch, with lotsa blood and tense graphic scenes, but it's definitely worth giving this one a go because it allows us to realistically experience what the victims of the tragic tsunami went through... so that we can appreciate our "sorry" life even more and finally start living every moment of it. 

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