Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Parental Guidance

Ratings: 6.4/10
Film Class: C
Genre: Family Comedy

This ain't exactly a PG film, but more of a G film. It's about the upbringing of kids, and that it's not just the parents, but the grandparents which matter. Artie Decker (Billy Crystal) has just lost his job as an extremely talented yet old school baseball commentator and is tasked to look after his 3 grandkids for 5 days. Being sheltered and pampered kids, they must come to terms with their obnoxious grandparents, resulting in a life changing experience not just for the kids, but for everyone in the family. 

Parental Guidance is a slapstick, overly exaggerated family comedy which should be more aptly titled Grandparental Guidance. Though I haven't seen many of Billy Crystal's movies in which he was the main lead, I was highly impressed with his acting. He added a new dimension to the seemingly flat storyline, especially with his sarcastic humor and was such a joy to see him on screen.  

Every character has their own issues, and their personalities were all very strong... a little overdone if you ask me, resulting in unrealistically exaggerated acting. Though the plot was predictable, there were a couple of really funny moments, I almost cried laughing during 1 scene! As a teaser, I'll hint those 2 scenes with 2 words, toilet and burial. 

It didn't turn out as bad as I thought, and while it makes a good destressing movie, you'll also have to consider it's a no-brainer one. So unless you're bored to no tears, you'll be better off watching brainier light-hearted animations like ParaNorman or Madagascar 3.

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