Monday, April 9, 2012

The Hunger Games

Ratings: 7.4/10
Film Class: B-
Genre: Action Thriller

I think this is a B grade movie, slightly low budget cos of the camera work. I was totally irritated during the first 15-30 minutes of the film with all the shaky and upclose shots, which made me feel that the reason for doing so was because they couldn't afford/bother to do up a decent setting in the background. By upclose, I mean right smack few inches in front of their faces and by shaky, I mean consistent unnecessary up-down movements. I'm not sure if the situation improved during the later half of the movie or that I just finally succumbed to conditioning...

Well, there were lotsa good reviews about The Hunger Games. I believe the good reviews were more directed to the tagline, "May the odds ever be in your favor", mentioned about 3 times throughout, pretty catchy line I must agree. Does one really learn how to survive in the wilderness after watching this movie? Nope. Cos most of the stuff inside are fictional. Does this movie take away any trust left in others? Survival of the fittest? Nope, there's still hope in humanity. 

Everything I was told of the movie, didn't come true. Truth is, I still don't really understand the logic behind the hunger games. All I know is that it's a competition to be the last man or woman standing amongst the nominated teenagers from 12 different districts - 2 from each district, chosen by drawing lots. And the reason of it is to remind everyone of how they came about to their current situation - peace time... not that peaceful afterall. 

We all know the lead star volunteered herself because of her sister and the movie takes us through her journey as a competitor in the hunger games. She made friends, enemies, and even "the love of her life". *major spoilers ahead* Ok, I was being sarcastic. It was portrayed quite bluntly that she pretended to fall in love with this other guy from her district just "for show" - maybe for now but their love might actually blossom in future. 

The Hunger Games is an adaptation of a trilogy novel series but from where this movie was leading to, it would seem that it might even stop at the first instalment. There's no after credits scene to whet your appetite for a sequel. I was not a fan of the lead actress, and neither am I now despite after watching her in action. 

However, contrary to what I assumed this movie would be, it's not a teen flick. I would say that the theme is generally quite "adult" and it's more along the lines of "How to Kill a Mocking Bird", slightly twisted. Comparisons have been made to the Japanese movie Battle Royale, and true enough, there's much resemblance to it. While the Japanese "version" of this "survivor of the fittest, battle to the death"-type movie had a more superiorly disturbing storyline and was lined with lotsa gore, The Hunger Games did not lose out in its engagement and suspense. It was pretty horrifying and cool at times even though there were a few scenes in it which messed up the genre a little... *major spoilers alert 2* The part where the participants formed a group and started to hunt her felt like a horror thriller and the part where they had to face the dog-like beasts felt like a sci-fi computer game-like movie like Gamer. 

I did enjoy myself, but wasn't awed by it. A satisfying film, ala-carte style (not buffet-style). 

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