Film Class: B+
Genre: Action Thriller
Wow Wow Wow. This is definitely one of Christian Bale's coolest movie. Matrix style. Since The Matrix came out in 1999 and Equilibrium in 2002, the latter was possibly inspired by the former. Still, this movie is one of the coolest action packed films I've seen. Other such movies which I can think offhand are The Matrix, Wanted, Taken, and Death Sentence. Since Equilibrium is such an unheard of movie, it won even greater brownie points for me.
No there wasn't slow motion action scenes, maybe there was, one of two, and yes, the way Christian Bale acts and dress reminded me of Neo from The Matrix, but the way Christian Bale wipes out his enemies is in a class of its own.
In a hypothetical world after World War 3, in order to not have a 4th World War in which the ruler of the fascist world believes Humans cannot survive, everyone is forced to be devoid of all forms and emotions and feelings. If someone does however have it, he/she is a Sense offender and will be executed immediately or without trial. Imagine that?! Even the term used to describe such an offender is such a pun in itself.
The whole concept of the storyline was well thought off, however, there were a couple of loop holes in the movie. The ideology of a person being unable to feel, is just too difficult to pull off, even if it's just a movie. There were incidences of sense and feelings portrayed, but which were not accounted for the movie. *major spoilers ahead* In essence, I believe what the director wanted to show was that everyone was robot-like, but yet if a person isn't able to feel, then why would he/she even clap for a speech given by the ruler?
Also, the ending twist was quite a screw up. The twist would have been awesome if everything pieced together, but it just felt like it was a convenient twist to make the storyline more "cool" and planned, which kinda backfired.
Still, all these little loopholes didn't really spoil the movie experience for me. Christian Bale was way too awesome in this movie and I really liked the shooting scenes, in an artistic point of view of course (don't want to sound sadistic).
The movie only made a fair bit of reference to the title but I thought though cool, once again, doesn't really make much sense. To sum it up, Equilibrium is a relatively no-brainer (cos' using your brain will spoil the experience for you) but super cool action packed film.
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