Ratings: 9.2/10
Film Class: A
Genre: Superhero Action
Stinger: No
Deal-breaker scenes (spoilers alert):
- Existence of Ares
- Diana finally "hearing" what the male protagonist was saying to her after suffering from temporary deafness after an explosion
The main reason for reviving this blog. Girl power to the max. Gal Gadot's such a charm this movie was all about her. Yes, about Wonder Woman as well, but the highlight was Gal Gadot. She stole almost every single scene with her in it. Also packed a good dose of comedy.
First half was pretty good, 2nd half... every fan's fantasy. The ending fight scene was a blast, one of my absolute favourites. And the twist was really unexpected. I like how there were 2 villains that Wonder Woman had to fight back to back, and the movie really reached a climax at the end. Kick-ass graphics, and having 2 gods battle it out amidst probably one of the sweetest scene in cinematic history... priceless.
It was so good, despite knowing there wasn't a stinger... I stayed till the end of the credits. There were also cheesy parts, but the ending dealbreaker scene, with what the male protagonist said to her... that was it. I couldn't be bothered to hold back my tears anymore.
Even though it's a rather long movie, 2hr 21 mins, I couldn't get enough of it, Gal Gadot, the action, the graphics... pow wow... pow... wow... Wonder Woman's theme song is so ringing in my head right now, and I know it's gonna stay that way at least for the next couple of days. Guaranteed satisfaction, there's nothing not to love about this film. Love, can stop a war (seemingly superficial yet such a deep quote used in the movie, among other great quotes).