Film Class: B+
Genre: Action Adventure
True Grit is truly one hell of a cowboy movie. I didn't even know that it was a remake of a classic John Wayne movie but will blindly vouch for this version's superiority.
If this movie was ever to be a success, it would be entirely up to Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon, or so I thought. Child actress Hailee Steinfield stole some of that limelight and played a major role in its success as well... and just when I thought the sublime acting was all that was needed, the ending literally took the level one notch higher by blowing my mind, or head off.
Best cowboy movie I've watched so far because almost every part of it was so well thought of. The raw, dull colored cinematography brought out the harsh and rough lives of the characters. The introduction of 2 male protagonists was a bold and well-deserved move because it made True Grit different from other movies. And even the supposed main villain in this movie... turned out to be only secondary to yet another more powerful villain. The story development was well paced and well structured... first leading the audience to understand the female protagonist, then moving on to the other 2 main leads.
*spoilers ahead* Initially, Matt Damon seemed to assume an arrogantly irritating role... but gradually gained my respect by his actions. And just when I thought Jeff Bridges character was totally awesome, I lost some respect of him towards the middle of the movie... only to be salvaged by an action far more respectable than anything I've ever seen...
This movie really plays with your mind and heart. You think you know the story, yet you don't. You think you know what you feel towards the characters, yet you don't. But, True Grit ultimately drives a very important point across... that no man is perfect. There's a good side and a bad side of everyone and sometimes, having True Grit isn't determined by one's courage, but by one's compassion... the other side of humans that we seldom see.
The narrative style also added depth and tact to the story, by initially making us feel detached from the characters... but gradually pulling us closer to them. Humor, action, awesomeness, loathsomeness, playfulness, and whatever -ness you can think and name of, you can almost be certain that its prevalent in this movie.
True Grit is a modern day classic that I'm certain for the years to come, will always be a movie that truly stands out from the pack.