Initially meant for me to create a library of movies I’ve watched, now this website is meant to save time for viewers because not all movies are "worth" watching. The ratings are kept as objective as I can. They are based on cinematography, casting, soundtrack, storyline and film class. There is a slight bias towards twists in storylines, and generally I'm not fond of horror genres and slapstick comedies. So if you're ready, let's make your day at the movies worth it!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Resident Evil: Afterlife
VIllon's Wife
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Video game remakes rarely excel... because firstly, bringing CGI characters to life with their rightful outfits might seem too flamboyant and most if not all the time, there's just no storyline to adapt. My cousin told me this movie was a brainless action-pack film... Well, I would agree to the former, but not the latter. My summary for it, this is a brainless, low-budget, plotless weak-actioned movie.
A young man by the name of Jin, living on the harsh streets of who knows where witnesses the death of his mother by an evil corporation, Tekken. Thus, he enrols himself into a yearly tournament in hope to avenge her. Well, that's as good and as detailed a sypnosis I can provide for the vague and weak storyline. I didn't even get what the director was trying to bring across, other than just senseless fighting and the idea of a Tekken tournament.
The best bits of the movie were those which featured Christie, yet another Tekken character which really spiced up the big screens. The rest of the characters looked ridiculous and an extreme turn-off. Kazuya was quite cool as the villain, but how Jin rose from being a "street fighter" to a "prestigious tournement champ" was too far-fetched. There were so many "sudden boosts of strength scenes" that it worsened the quality of the movie and its storyline.
Bottomline is, Jin is invincible because of the teachings by his late mum... cos whenever he's almost out of strength or breath, all he has to do is to think of what his mum taught him since young, and like swallowing an elixir of condensed steriods, he will be able to beat the crap out of anyone. Opps, did I expose too much? Well... you gotta know how ridiculous it sounds or will be if you're gonna watch it to waste your precious time, at least you heard it from me first.
Date Night

Film Class: B
The Girl Who Played With Fire