Initially meant for me to create a library of movies I’ve watched, now this website is meant to save time for viewers because not all movies are "worth" watching. The ratings are kept as objective as I can. They are based on cinematography, casting, soundtrack, storyline and film class. There is a slight bias towards twists in storylines, and generally I'm not fond of horror genres and slapstick comedies. So if you're ready, let's make your day at the movies worth it!!
Single, traditional and dominating TV producer Katherine Heigl was on a verge of losing her programs when her boss employs Gerard Butler to feature the segment on her show. This resulted in an increase in viewer ratings which "forced" her to work with him... and subsequently advice from him on getting the man of her dreams.
What lies ahead is the typical storyline and if you're in for a good laugh, this movie is for you. Crude humor, might even be vulgar at times but with an open heart, and an open mind, this movie won't go wrong with a long term date, though I'm not sure if it will work just as well for first dates...