Genre: Drama
Overall value for money and time: 7.2/10
Initially meant for me to create a library of movies I’ve watched, now this website is meant to save time for viewers because not all movies are "worth" watching. The ratings are kept as objective as I can. They are based on cinematography, casting, soundtrack, storyline and film class. There is a slight bias towards twists in storylines, and generally I'm not fond of horror genres and slapstick comedies. So if you're ready, let's make your day at the movies worth it!!
Witty and humorous dialogues, star studded cast, intelligent plot, beautiful cinematography. What do you get when all these factors come together? One of the top movies of all time! A truly hidden gem! When it comes to castings, I'm a little biased because there are a few actors or actresses which I'm not particularly fond of. A handful of those include Russell Crowe, Jack Black and Colin Farrell. Though I have to admit, there are some break through movies for these actors. Gladiator was a breakthrough movie for Russell Crowe, Nacho Libre for Jack Black and as for Colin Farrell, this is that movie. He couldn't be more convincing, utterly irreplacable.
But it wasn't just him that contributed to the huge success of this film, much credit have to go to Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes. This movie had a sufficient amount of character development for each of the leads. One would get to understand and feel for each of them, and each showed distinct characteristics and realistic character flaws. There are some seemingly "random" chain of events throughout the movie but they all piece together like a jigsaw puzzle at the very end. Though it might be commonly used for most of my reviews, this film is simply... Beautiful. It doesn't touch superficially on the characters but brings into view different perspectives. Life, Death, Forgiveness, Principles and Love.
Two hitmen are sent to Bruges (Belgium) to await their next mission. Through the course of waiting, they are exposed to the "missing" elements in their lives and starts to view life in a different manner. It's a totally different kind of movie experience that's worth every minute of your time. You can't hate this movie, either you love it, or you love it more. This movie falls under the category of "top 50 must-see movies before you die".