Genre: Thriller
Overall value for money and time: 5.5/10
Initially meant for me to create a library of movies I’ve watched, now this website is meant to save time for viewers because not all movies are "worth" watching. The ratings are kept as objective as I can. They are based on cinematography, casting, soundtrack, storyline and film class. There is a slight bias towards twists in storylines, and generally I'm not fond of horror genres and slapstick comedies. So if you're ready, let's make your day at the movies worth it!!
Knowing what you already know from the trailers is more than enough. Knowing what happens when the numbers run out, a novel and interesting concept. Knowing what happens just before the numbers run out, THAT, will disappoint... The plot of the story and the ending didn't synergize. Everything went well until the ending when a massive number of loopholes started surfacing.
Back in 1959, a time capsule containing drawings of a class of students on their perception of the future was buried in a new elementary school. 50 years later, the time capsule was opened and there was a "drawing" which contains a string of numbers. This piece of paper landed in the hands of an MIT professor, who later realised that the numbers predicted the great tragedies in history (then the future), with 3 dates still to occur. It's a difficult plot to summarize in such a short paragraph since most of it was well covered in the first 15 minutes of the movie. The movie set me at the edge of my seat right from the very start and as the story gradually unravelled, it got more and more intense. At the rate and direction which the movie was going, I couldn't see how it would disappoint me. I was wrong. The "solution" and "purpose" was too far-fetched. The most I'll disclose is that this movie is a mix of the movies "Number 23" and "The Day The Earth Stood Still". I shall keep the loopholes in the loop since the plot is the main attraction of this movie.
Don't get me wrong. This isn't a bad movie. The ending was bad, but everything else was decent - the story development, the build up, the concept and the special effects. Most of it made sense and fitted the plot. The acting wasn't top notch, but the cast managed to pull it off. Though the genre of this movie states that this is a suspense film, it has elements of a typical horror movie - the dark, moody settings and the eccentric characters. But don't worry, you don't have to mentally prepare yourself for apparitions or zombies at the end of the movie, but something supernatural is bound to happen...
There were many subplots in the movie intertwining to boost this movie to near perfection. The support of your spouse, the "need" for a father figure, the prejudices of the public, the struggles in life, finding meaning in life and overpowering remorse are a few examples. The scene where the protagonist and his boss were having a meal of pufferfish roe together, and where they were both licking their fingers after the meal represented how the protagonist subconsciously sought for a "father" figure. The feelings of his father who abandoned him and why he didn't return after all those years was explained by the lady who worked together with him. Basically, the movie wasn't as simple as it seemed. I'm sure there were more of such scenes which I missed. And most importantly, I thought the significance of the stones was a great asset to the movie, in connecting the plot and creating a greater kicker ending. Also, one mustn't overlook the purpose of the musical instrument used - the cello. It has a mellow tune to it which enhanced the theme. I thought to myself, why wasn't a guitar used instead? Why not a piano? A violin would have similar effects but it lacked the "majesticity" in terms of size. The piano brings about a more romantic tune, similar to the guitar. The cello on the other hand, has the size, the elegance of how the instrument is played (which can be observed in the poster), and the low mellow tune which blended in with the theme like bear and honey.
Personally, I think the success of the film was hugely contributed by the protagonist's professionalism in acting. He was able convince the audience of his role, brought laughter, tears and appreciation to the profession. Of course, with a great blend of everything else - plot, casting, humour, dedication, romance, forgiveness, this movie will not fail to touch your hearts just like it did mine.